Personal Prophecy, Personal Prophetic Words
If you’d like to receive a personal prophetic word from God regarding you as an individual, I can set aside time to inquire of Father’s heart and document what he gives me to share with you.
You’ll receive a pdf document of approximately 1,000 words (usually 3-4 pages). This document will be specifically for you, not general, not generic. You can read all the details here.
Personal prophecy is similar to, but different than, the Daily Prophetic Word. The Daily Prophetic Word is geared for the corporate body of Believers, expressing what God is doing and/or saying to the general collective, whereas Personal Prophetic Words are geared towards individuals.
Prophetic Counsel
If you have received some kind of revelation (i.e. – direct revelation, a dream, a prophetic word, a vision, etc.,) often times interpreting and understanding what the revelation is actually saying (what it means) can pose quite an obstacle. If you have prophetic words, or some kind of revelation you’d like to receive some kind of additional insight check out Prophetic Counsel.
Prophetic Counsel takes the revelation and breaks it down into plain language so it’s easy to understand. It takes the guess work out of the symbols and mystery and makes it plain and simple so you’re not left fumbling about wondering what God is really saying, or what he is really meaning.
Prophetic Life Coaching
Do you have prophetic words you’ve received in the past, but you’re not quite sure how to go deeper with them, or how to apply them into your daily life? Are you confused or struggling with prioritizing tasks or goals in your life and remain organized and on-track?
Prophetic Coaching can help give a perspective to help make sense of some of these kinds of things. This kind of life coaching can be transformative in the way you see yourself, your environment, your future, and the people around you.
Click here to see if life coaching from a prophetic angle is right for you.
Prophetic Mentoring
Do you want to learn how to grow in your ability to hear from God? Do you want to take what you’re hearing, feeling, seeing, sensing and translate it into words and messages that are helpful to others?
Prophetic Mentoring is one-on-one coaching designed specifically to help you grow in your God-given ability to hear from God and know with confidence how to respond to what you are given.
Click here to learn more about refining your ability to hear from God through mentoring.
Dream Interpretation
Do you have a dream that’s perplexed you, leaving you confused as to what it means, or what you should do about it? Have you had a series of dreams that seem to be related to each other but you’re not quite sure how or why or what they mean? Do you have recurring dreams over and over again?
If these are some of the questions you have you may want to consider my dream interpretation service in which I will analyze, interpret, and explain your dreams for you in great detail.